PO文学 > 都市言情 > 有异想天便开 > 分段阅读_第 189 章

分段阅读_第 189 章

    有异想天便开 作者:未知













    “well, i’m sorry, i ive.”


    “i’m sorry, miss..”

    “i’m sabrina.” 她笑了笑。

    “hi sabrina, i’m rhys. i made the mould, why you ’t work oive?”

    “guys, i’m sorry, ositive instead, or better say, the iue, we don’t make bro a positive, you know, upon taking an order, hotos to eue is intact . it’s our policy.”


    “you’d better fio make a positive first, either ia, plaster whatever you have.  i need a……”


    “oh my god! are you mr. ?”

    “no.” 可能她看到女像衣边有个刻印,不过她怎会知道兆良的姓氏?


    “yes, i’m, call me michael. ?”

    “is miss  your mom?”

    “right!” 兆良也觉得有点出奇。

    “ahha, she is a habitué here.”


    “oh, i haven’t seen her f time, is she ok?”

    “she’s in an asylum.” 兆良每次提起妈在疗养院,神色便沈重起来。

    莎布莲娜愣了愣,表情诧异的说: “oh……i’m..i’m so sorry.”

    “it’s been years, and that’s why i lica, it’s probably my mom’s last work.”

    莎布莲娜叹了口气:“to be ho, man, i really ’t aegative.”


    “however, i  make a positive for you.”

    “that’s great, oh, that’s really great!”

    兆良一脸兴奋地回应: “thank you so mua.”

    “ok, you  a brht? normally our minimum quantity for small broue is 10. as a gesture of goodwill, i’ll bypass this policy…”

    “oh, fabulous! sabrina, you really make my day! but…how long would it take? i am going bag koy soon.”


    “ok, i’m goer pht now, we have a batch of orders here ready for the final bronzepour.
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