&aken 3 years ago at the komodo national park, miles away from indonesia. of course i was first escorted but was lost somehow. i was luy assistant foureetop……”(我三年前在印尼郊区的哥摩多国家公园里拍摄牠们。本来有同伴作向导,不过不晓得怎地,我迷失了方向。要不是向导助手在树顶上找到我....)
“3drag their prey, that was me. their tongues and saliva carry bacteria that kill a life in just a few hours, but before you died, you were soon ed.”(三头大蜥蝪在等着我这猎物啊 …们这根带着细菌的舌头与唾yè,只要沾上,数个小时便能杀一条生命。不过在你还没死去,牠们已经把你活剥生吞了。)
“huh…my assistant threw a deer, a pig to save my life. &his icture i tht after i stain.”(嘘!我那儿的助手带了一头死鹿,一只死猪才能救我。你看!这就是我刚回到地面时立即拍下的。)
“so……rhys. life is full of adventures. as a photographer, you s and lue. worries will o a world of touch. mark my words.”(所以呢..烈斯。生命充满了历险。作为摄影师,你需要胆量、运气熬过困难逆境。忧虑只会阻碍人接触世界。记住了!)