PO文学 > 都市言情 > 有异想天便开 > 分段阅读_第 1249 章

分段阅读_第 1249 章

    有异想天便开 作者:未知

    ney was a 16th tury buddhist monk in fhutan. this madma his eer beonk iraveliryside dispensing his wisdom aeo as many young ladies as he could get his hands on. he was believed to use his big penis and promised ea a path to nirvana through the use of his ‘flami’. &ually earned such fame that women sought him out, or at least were very willing when he showed up. and in exge for his spiritual illumination, all of the womeo pay him in beer….” (杜鲁巴.宫尼是十六世纪一位佛教僧人,在这片国土土生土长。这个疯子十来岁便修成正果,到处宏扬教学,把他的智慧、佛道向众多女xing传扬。传说他身怀巨器,还答应她们怎样利用他这根『火柱』,带领她们到达佛教最终的涅盘境界。及後因为更多女生为求达到这境界,到处寻访他,让他声名大振,他一出现,女生都愿意作任何牺牲。跟他有过关系的女生,只需以酒作酬劳...)

    原来这根大yáng ju是来自这个yin僧的,要是宫尼是个同志,他这根大东西便吃尽当时弗丹的男生,把他们送到涅盘境界去啊。符敬克继续说:

    “kuhat sexual ed druhe best ways to trahe illusioerial world and bee oer riding nearly every wife, sister ahe laually rode into buddhist mythology itself. he is said to do battle with all sorts of demons and evil spirits, most of them female. ianese leges a demoihe face with his penis, and the. after she is defeated, he trao a gh divine sexual play. that’s the reason why fhutahis ‘flami’ oo ward off evils.”

    (宫尼所传扬的是透过xing欢乐跟酗酒这两个途径,带领众女从物质世界的幻象转移至自身上。到他几乎跟这片土地的fu女、女xing都有过关系,他最终变成佛教传奇。有人说他之後为众生驱邪赶魔,而且妖魔大多是女xing。弗丹有个传说,就是他以自己的yáng ju击打那妖魔的脸,再把yáng ju塞进她嘴巴里。那妖魔被打败後,宫尼便以他神xing的xing爱技巧,让这妖魔化身为善良的灵。就是因为这传说,弗丹人几乎在所有门口附近画上这『火柱』来驱邪了。)

    我愣愣听着这故事,猜不出为何会有人相信这个鬼僧人胡说八道,妖言惑众,还把他化成一根巨大的yáng ju,守护民居?符敬克这麽说,弗丹人肯定十之八九都相信这根东西是宫尼的化身了。不过这是人家的传说,我也不便鲁莽顶撞。看着这根能带人超脱轮回,进入佛学的永生极乐境界,我想了想,干吗当时没男生也要求达到涅盘极乐呢?难道男人眼巴巴看着自己老婆、女儿,让这僧人快乐快乐,自己却一生轮回麽?


    “but why the peed a’s eveing……you know it really looks like graffiti in a gay toilet….hahahaha….”(不过为何要绘的yáng ju是勃起来的...看!还shè精...你晓得麽?我会以为是同志厕所里的涂鸦啊..哈哈哈哈哈...)


    “first of all, gay is prohibited in our try. sedly, ere is a symbolic figure of kunney’s divine & power. if y to enjoy sex, ahe power of your p
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