“no. i doahis thu so exquisite. see?you e or sketch, but i don’t agree why your brothers drew s and even pubibsp; you know, that’s really tempting to visitors…”(不对。我不明白为何你们画得这麽细致。你明白麽?你们可以勾画或者素描,不过你们国家的人还绘画yin囊、耻毛。你晓得,这让游客感到很诱惑啊...)
“if this is a transformatiolining & sketg etbsp;beore or less a sion. i think this is the differeures a resped accept each other. fhuta see this thu as a……a sex symbol. by using this phallus which defeated demoihe power that brihing back to life. remember, phallic worship was loed i world. fhutahu brings good luever drives us into sex.”(如果这根yáng ju是宫尼的化身,勾画跟素描显得对神灵不敬。我想这是各地文化差异,各人应该互相尊重与接受。弗丹人从不把这它看成个xing象徵。这巨根要驱邪降魔,shè精就是让一切回到生命里。还要记着,yáng ju崇拜早在古代社会已经出现。弗丹人只相信火柱带来好运,守护他们,从不让我们想到xing。)
“oh. i am sorry. i respect your culture but i dohe point n with ‘balls and sack’.”(噢。对不起。我尊重你们的文化,我只是不明白为何要绘的这麽『详尽』吧了。)
&erday i saw a sa darker bsp; isn’t it thrilling?”(我昨天看到一个卵袋是较深颜色的。这不挑情麽?)
“i am bsp; we go bad have a rest?”(我感到冷啊。可以回去休息麽?)
&’s about time for dinner. we sleep early but late. most of us work at 9 or 10……”(哦。也差不多是晚饭时间了。我们早睡晚起,大多数人九点十点才工作....)